Project management, Bernd Grafe-Ulke


Tel.: +49 (0) 5141– 96620-41
Fax: +49 (0) 5141– 93355-33

From 2008, Bernd Grafe-Ulke worked as a freelancer in the Visitor Services department of the Bergen-Belsen Memorial. He was a research assistant from October 2009 to August 2015, and from 2012 he worked with Leyla Ercan as a manager of the project “Disenfranchisement as a life experience (EaL) – Network for human rights education”. From 2010 to 2014 he also developed and coordinated the “Injustice Systems” educational programme of the Bergen-Belsen Memorial, which was carried out annually with vocational secondary-school students from Walsrode and Gernrode.

Since June 2015 he has been manager of the model project “Competence against antiziganism/antiromaism (KogA) – in past and present” of the Lower Saxony Memorials Foundation.
Bernd Grafe-Ulke has a master’s degree in politics, education, and economics. He studied at the universities of Stuttgart and Oldenburg. After graduating, he qualified as a specialist for human resources and organisational development, and he also qualified as a mediator while working at the same time. Prior to joining the Foundation, he spent more than 10 years as an adult education specialist, moderator, consultant, and HR and organizational development specialist.


Grafe-Ulke, Bernd: Planspiel Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte, in: Planspieldatenbank der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung


Grafe-Ulke, Bernd: Mediation als Teil eines effektiven Konfliktmanagements in Unternehmen, in: FORUM, Bundesverband mittelständischer Wirtschaft, 2001.
Grafe-Ulke, Bernd: Kontinuierliche Personalentwicklung, in: FORUM, Bundesverband mittelständischer Wirtschaft, 2001.


Grafe-Ulke, Bernd: Unrechtssysteme in Deutschland, in: Körber-Stiftung (Hg.), Geschichte beflügelt. Wie Kooperationen von Schulen, Archiven, Museen und Gedenkstätten gelingen, Forum für Impulse, 2014.


Grafe-Ulke, Bernd: Das Gewissen Europas? Simulation von Fällen des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte, in: Andreas Petrik und Stefan Rappenglück (Hg.), Handbuch Planspiele in der politischen Bildung, Wochenschauverlag, 2017.